"I love your course. I tried three other Portuguese programs, including Rosetta Stone – You are by far the best – I love that your podcasts are so practical, come in nice, easy bites and build on each other so beautifully. The other programs I tried were boring, seemed like a real chore – yours are fun and I look forward to each one."
~ Elizabeth T.
What is BrazilianPodClass?
BrazilianPodClass is an online course/podcast for those who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese. Since 2007, we have developed hundreds of lessons, for all levels, with focus on conversation, vocabulary, grammar and popular expressions.
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"Hello, I just signed up for the full membership. I think it is absolutely fantastic as I have struggled to stay motivated with Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone courses. I can tell that there is a lot of experience and expertise in the design of your podcasts and I am learning about Brasil in the process as well.
Thanks Again,"
~ Reid S., Airline Pilot who frequently flies to Brasil and is serious about becoming fluent.
Unlimited Portuguese
Choose from 550+ lessons
Listen to ALL 550+ lessons. Each episode contains a 15-30 minutes audio lesson + a written guide.
17.000.000+ Downloads
As a podcast, our lessons have been downloaded millions of time.
Learn Anywhere
Take your online course with you and learn on the go (iOS app).
Around the World
Improve quickly. Enjoy while your learn. Our program has helped thousands of people from around the world.
Our Lessons
Our lessons are clear, simple, and easy to understand. We explain everything as you listen and read.
Monthly subscription based. Cancel anytime. Plus FREE eCourse/eBook (A Trip to Brazil). Plus hundreds of Tips (Popular Expressions).
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"I have search countless options in my quest to learn Portuguese including do it your self books, audio CDs, computer applications, and even classes at my local community college. Your material is by far the best value period. And the best part is I bring your lessons with me where ever I go on my iPhone. Its so absolutely convenient its ridiculous. The lessons are put together with such quality too. Obrigado, Obrigado, Obrigado!!!!
~ Alex
"This is the MOST user-friendly, comprehensive and clear method to lear Brazilian Portuguese on the web. I’ve been looking for something like this for a while and am thrilled to have found it."
~ Jarrett421
Author and Instructor
Marina Gomes has been teaching Portuguese as a second language since 1978. She taught Portuguese at the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto for 12 years and now she teaches private lessons in Peterborough and Toronto, and via Skype, besides working as a freelance translator (English/Portuguese).
"Muito Obrigado Marina Gomes!!! I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that I found this. I have been learning Brazilian Portuguese for about 2 years now and this podcast is very helpful. I live in NY and it is difficult, because I don't have any Portuguese speaking friends who live here so I never get to be around it other than what I practice each day. Marina's voice is so clear and so beautiful that I could listen to her all day long. The exercises are very well organized and make it easy, even for beginners to learn the language. Marina covers a variety of topics that are both interesting and relevant to today's society. This is a great tool to use if you just want to pick up some basic Portuguese or if you are trying to learn the language fluently. A+ for BrazilianPodClass.
~ tgarbushian , United States of America
"Very through and well-thought-out podcast. All the material is presented in English and Portuguese which gives extra exposure to the language. The lessons are just the right lenght and the voices are always very clear. Recommended!"
~ tony84, Great Britain
Learn at Your Own Pace
30 minutes lessons is perfect to fit in your busy schedule.
Our lessons are delivered through an audio file, by native speakers, with focus on conversation, vocabulary, grammar and popular expressions
The 5 to 9 pages PDF files are word-by-word transcripts of the episodes which help you increase substantially your comprehension and understanding.
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"Marina, this is a quick thank-you. I am a North American with Portuguese at the advanced-intermediate level, and your podcasts are extremely helpful as a way to practice, stay fresh, and improve. Your presentations are practical, intelligently organized, clear, well paced, and interesting. I recommend this site highly to any language learners! Again, many thanks."
~ Michael
"Like many other people, I too have been learning Portuguese on my own. I have taken classes, used other podcasts and even speak with native speakers. This podcast is by far the best tool for learning. Thank you Ms. Gomes. Keep up the great work! ~ This is an excellent course — definitely worth checking out!"
~ Carmen Cotto, United States of America
"I’m living in Sao Paulo, Brazil right now and can honestly say I would not have gotten by without tuning in to this podcast before I left the States. Enough said. Thanks Ms. Gomes!"
~ Mv. Danj, United States of America
"Dear Marina, I just wanted to send you a short note to thank you for your podcasts. They are fantastic – I cannot believe how much they have improved my Portuguese in a relatively short space of time. The progress I have made is much better than I expected when I began. The lessons are really well structured and are enjoyable so I look forward to them. Thanks you so much for this fantastic website!"
~ Greg R., Brisbane, Australia
"Highly enjoyable! Marina builds her lessons around common activities like “Leaving a Message”, themes such as Carnival, famous locations, hobbies, etc. She also gives examples of verb conjugation. Her English is excellent. She is a master at what she does, and I get much out of the little time I invest in the podcast."
~ Curitibano, USA
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